
Greater Xiaomeian Dynasty

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⠀⠀⠀Xiaomei (Xiaohuo: 笑沒, Xiaomei or Siomay) officially the Greater Xiaomeian Dynasty (Xiaohuo: 大笑沒帝國, Dāxiaomeidiguo) is an empire in Western Geraldine. It's situated between the Megadondon to the south and Rikacola Sea to the north, it's also land bordered on the north by Zealot Vermillion and cluster of colonies to the south. Xiaomeian 7 states are Quanmin, Manshu, Shengfan, Yaoye, Baekju, Haoyuan, Jianchen. Tiandājing is the nation's capital and also the largest city, followed by Tiankonde, Guaminha, Dimenyao, Huamindao, Junqiao. Xiaomei is one of the most populous country in Aurelis, as well the most urbanized city regarding settlements expansion.

Greater Xiaomeian Dynasty
大笑沒帝國 (Xiaohuo)
Dinasti Siomay Raya (ID)

Bendera DKU Lambang DKU WIP
Motto: "向前我們的人民" "Forward Our People"
National Ideology: Juntian Monarchy
National Anthem: "帝國的聖歌" "Anthem of the Empire"

And largest city
Tiandājing (1985-Current)
Tiankonde (1853-1985)
Official Language
And national language
Xiaohuo, Kanshowen
Nationality Xiaohan (74%)
Gyuseon (26%)
Belief not real one ofc ( %)
Folk Religion (4%)
Demonym(s) Xiaoren (singular)
Xiaorenese (plural)
Goverment Absolute Monarchy
• Emperor
Liu Bi Shu
• Prime Minister
Zhou He
Legislature Imperial Court
• Upper House
• Lower House
• Kingdom of Qian
20th December 1189.BA
• End of Warring States
19th February 1577
• Xiaomei Civil War
11th October 1602
• Bi Guan Restoration
26th March 1853
WIP Area
• Mainland
• Overseas
• Sea
WIP Population
• Mainland
• Density
WIP Economy
• GDP (Nominal)
105.5 Billion XMB
• GDP (Nominal) per capita
46.344 XMB
197.1 Billion XMB
• GDP (PPP) per capita
58.659 XMB
• Gini
Currency Minbi/Qian (圆) (XMB)
• Calling Code
• Driving Side
• Initial
• Internet TLD
• News Centre
Renbi Shūnjian (认壁時間)
• Timezone
UTC -7 to -6
Extra Stuff:
None yet


Etymology and Pronounciation

⠀⠀⠀The first use of the term "Xiaomei" were from 800.BA, when it appeared on an literature epic in the form of "Xirenmin" or "people of Xi" written by Guan Kai Xi, famous for his poetry and writings.


⠀⠀⠀Oldest record of the existence dates back to 1189.BC, where the first Kingdom, Kingdom of Qian established, the kingdom changes dynasty overtime because of the rapid civl war, from the Hua to the Yen, Fan, and so on. Then finally came the period of 8 Province, where the Xiao dynasty claim victory, under the rule of Emperor Liu Yuan Ming, civil war stopped briefly at 19 February 1577, then came again another large civil war, this time between the Gyuseon people and the Xiaohan, the ruler at that time, Emperoe Liu Han Mei died and was killed on the battlefield, after the civil war, the Empire decide to strenghten their authority and reform the constitution at 26 March 1853, under the previous Emperor's son, Liu Bi Guan, Xiao Dynasty flourished ever since, gaining a chunk of land to their east and south, and now the Xiao Dynasty remains a dominant powerhouse, under the current leader, Emperoe Liu Bi Shu.


⠀⠀⠀letak geografis dan klasifikasi wilayah

Goverment and Politics

⠀⠀⠀gimana sistem pemerintahannya


⠀⠀⠀The Empire mostly relies on local productivity and rather on trades, its policy encourages the rural people to start moving in to the city and work on urban farm or factories, the Empire had a huge ocean on the west and built many oil rigs there, the land also provide a large amount of fertile lands, and a significant amount of steel, but also low on necessary materials like coal, the highlands provide for wind turbines, as they have high wind currents, as for the long coastline salt production also has been going strong. Nevertheless, the resource necessary for living such as electricity, livestock and more had been moderately cheap.

Science and Technology

⠀⠀⠀peraihan dibidang iptek


⠀⠀⠀tentang penduduk lah intinya, suku ras agama, kesehjahteraan, kesehatan, eduaksi dll


⠀⠀⠀budaya kyk seni, tarian, makanan, olahraga dll